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How to read a textbook.

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How to read a textbook


How to read a textbook:


  1. Thumb through the pages to get a general impression of the assignment.
  2. Read the titles of sections and anticipate what the text will present.
  3. Read the first sentence of each paragraph and reflect on it as you read the rest of the paragraph.
  4. Relate the material you read to the topic sentences and chapter headings.
  5. Relate the material to your own experience or some example that is not given in the text.
  6. Make note of any questions you may have or sections that you do not understand.
  7. Close the book and restate what the text said in your own words. No peeking. If you have to peek, go back and read the section again.
  8. Remember: The big picture is supported by details and the details relate back to the big picture.






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