How to succeed in Biology




How to read a textbook.

Guidelines for lab reports

Online study tips

Tips for students and parents


In general, these are tips to help you succeed in class:

  • Read textbook assignments with thought and retention. Answer all focus questions.
  • Study/review what we did in class on a daily basis. Periodically review what we have learned in the past units. You can’t learn everything the night before the test, even though you think you can. J
  • Pay attention in class and ask questions when you do not understand the material.
  • Understand the meaning behind the required laboratory exercises.
  • Keep your materials organized, especially your lab notebook.
  • Get help early , and continue to get help when you need it.


What can a parent do?


  1. Ask your teen about school.
  2. Keep up with his/her grades
  3. Help him/her develop a regular time to study without interruption
  4. Help him/her get appropriate rest and eat nutritionally.
  5. Attend open house
  6. Call me or email with any questions/concerns


What can a student do?


  1. Listen, reflect, and take notes in class.
  2. Review material that was covered in class on a daily basis.
  3. Read the textbook corresponding to the material in class.
  4. Complete all assignments on time.
  5. Ask questions/get help.
  6. Contribute to the lab group.
  7. Keep all materials organized in a notebook.

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